At last we'll see Yakuza's agony

For those who have no idea about Japan's "Yakuza", I'll briefly write about what Yakuza is. Yakuzas are Mafia groups running shady jobs covering everything. 40% of them being "zainichi", Korean originated people, they are so talented in collusion with media, politicians, or police, that we hardly observe their activities unless you get to know the underground world in Japan. You may know an ultimate fighting tournament "PRIDE",which is often broadcast, collecting fighters from all around the world. It is for example run by a Yakuza group, "Gotogumi". Of course no one tells that this is sponsored by GOTOGUMI, so I was one of those who recently realized about this. You're gonna be astonished to know how Gotogumi has been one of the biggest parasites of Japan. Let's get started with the recent big headlines: Headquarters of the Gotogumi including its boss were arrested May 8, 2006, for illegal resaling of buildings. Getting valuable because of the drastic reformation in the past 5 years, the buildings in Tokyo have been an easy targets for them to make quick money, and they apparently did it loudly to police. Although the boss let his company do such dirty works, he seemed to screw up somehow, resulting in arrest of himself, his group members, and the company.
A huge message board called 2ch, however, pointed that this is not only about the illegal resaling but "chickens come home to roost", the observers say. Up to one month ago, Japan was feverish to find "the behind the scenes" in Livedoor's incidents, where a rookie of an internet portal was arrested involving a murder. Although some magazines took up the dark relation between the livedoor and Gotogumi, we hadn't heard any news since then, which was very disappointing.
The arrest today seems to be brought about because they angered prosecutors about this livedoor incident or they angered biggest powers, Koizumi and Bush, due to their dark connection with North Korea. I'd have to mention the worst feature of Gotogumi, the connection with North Korea. They have smuggled drugs or fake notes from North Korea, contributing to prolonging Kim Jong Ill's life. Believed or not, the Ohm's terrorism taken place in Tokyo's subway stations in 1995 is closely related to Gotogumi; they guided Ohm to North Korea to obtain chemical weapons. Gotogumi is literally the cancer of Japan.
Then why not arrest them soon? No, no. It's not that simple. The thing is that Komeito, a political party supported by SGI (Soka Gakkai International) is the sponsor of Gotogumi. Keeping almost 8% of seats in Japan's parliament (as of 2006), Komeito has been the potential decision maker and giving LDP stable regime since LDP's seats barely exceed the absolute majority. In other words, Komeito can exert enormous power in politics more than its percentage (two thirds of the total executives are taken over by Korean related people or zainichi). We almost abandoned our hope for examination on the incident, but the news today was very shocking and encouraging to me. Some bigger power must have acted against Komeito. It's big news.

It is evident that you'd think why Japanese citizens won't stand up. One of the reasons is that media is already frightened and manipulated by Gotogumi and Komeito. We rarely hear the criticism of those groups although we hear cursing words to Koizumi everyday. I bet very few people have heard the name of Gotogumi because I was even one of them until I got internet. There are many who still think Yakuza could be a necessary evil, which can't be! Japan may be thought as a fantastic country filled with people who make good products, but actually filled with stupid morons who don't know anything but making products. In this sense, Europe and America are very sophisticated in terms of "true democracy" or "healthy spirit".
(Gotogumi, consisting of 1500 members, is a branch of Yamaguchigumi, the biggest Yakuza. Gotogumi is also notorious for murdering a movie director who made a Yakuza movie.)
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