Leave Israel alone and turn back to backyard
What most of Japanese have as an impression on recent strategy of US around middle East would be "apparently they are wasting money and getting burnt out."
The most unbelievable fact for us is that news of dead US soldiers have been frequently reported, which never happens in Japan where soldiers' life are extremely enhanced since the end of WWII, subscribers of a message board, 2ch, say.
While US mass media appeal that those patriotic soldiers protect citizens from terrorism overseas, cameras are totally apathy toward the urgent crisis in East Asia. Here Japan and Taiwan are confronting three big tyrants, China, Russia, and North Korea. Plus South Korea is almost swallowed and colored with red by to-be the same country.
Meanwhile curiosity seekers in Japan found out US mass media are so influenced by jewish people. Controlled by Israel, it isn't like the country holding hegemony over the world. Now you know US has more enemies these days than ten years ago. Make up another enemy and Bush is OK with it because the approval rate rises up.
This situation is like, US is doing a high-pitch dancing themselves to burn out while others are gaining power. One of only a few countries, Japan, is today highly worried about this, knowing that US showed its moderate attitude toward North Korea after the news of nuclear test.
What is worse is that North Korea will bolster their self-confidence and never stop developing nuclear weapons. Some in Washington are hesitated by the threat "Seoul to be sheet of fire". In this sense, it's correct to retreat US military from Seoul. However, I anticipate a black future: this threat will develop to "Seoul, Tokyo, and California to be sheet of fire" 5 years later and they are going to withdraw much more grubstake that would cover their military expenditure first.
Bush and white house must take immediate actions to pressure more on Pyonyang such as point attack on Pyonyang and nuclear facilities. The reason they are stuck is they don't see the ultimate goal in East Asia; it has to be set as "regime change from inside North Korea into a democratic country, propagating to China". That way, US and Japan can appreciate the safety of Pacific Ocean with minimum effort. The wave of democracy must arise inside its body, and a counter-example evidence is clearly shown in the case of Iraq. They never get together for co-existence with support of America. However, we can bring democracy to North Korea with a bit of booster shot.
As a matter of fact, many polemicists in Japan already predicted the particulars of Iraq. Since Bush pictured the fantasy, "bring democracy to Iraq as we did on Japan and Germany", a misconception is to be lead to a disaster. He should have known that Iraq composes several peoples.
The best way is thus leave Israel alone and turn to East Asia with the same slogan, "Bring democracy to North Korea." In contrast to democratic Iran, it would be much easier to change this country only if US has wisdom not to put the critical problem on the back burner.