Asahi shinbun's apology needed on comfort women

An inconvenient fact on comfort women after WWII has been growing as a big anxiety of South Korea. A member of opposing party of South Korea condemned the ruling party of South Korea for hiding secrets of Park Guen-hye, the current president of South Korea. What he found out was a signature of her father, a former president (1963-1979) of South Korea, on a document directing his policy on comfort women in bases of UN/US armies. According to the disclosure, the government of South Korea had run 62 places with 9,935 comfort women working in there. The document proposed a plan to build a bunch of condominiums to house them for promoting better hygiene.
Since I moved to Japan, the food is quite good. Drinking coke much less since it's $1 per can. Instead, I've been drinking tea. Can't believe the days with 2 cans of coke a day.
Going to Japan! Yeah!!!! I'm already there, though.
The second largest city, Osaka, is known to be very unique with its friendliness and open mind. The strongest dialect also characterizes the people in Osaka to the level that "only people from Osaka never want to adopt accents of Tokyo." The humane city, however, has been burdened with its shameful issue, casual workers and home-less people. (This article is borrowing pictures from a pioneering website "Osaka Minkoku damepo tour".)
She(Japan) made mistakes - what country hasn't? - but she is building a model State as a bulwark between Chinese anarchy and Russian communism, and as an object-lesson to China. She(Japan) is the spear-head of the West thrust between China and Russia, fighting a lone hand. If Theodore Roosevelt's Asiatic policy had been followed, perhaps she could have been spared some of the mistakes she has made during the last quarte-century. She might today be America's best friend in Asia. It is not yet too late to win her back.
A report in May, 1931, by General Ho Ying-chin, then leading his fourth campaign against Chinese Reds, estimated that since the middle of 1928 the communists had massacred over 260,000 people, burned 220,000 houses and destroyed about $200,000,000 worth of property, American money. In addition, 1,500,000 people had fled from their homes.
I'm sure most of you have seen gorgeously decorated buildings like the pic below in front of every station or along every wide road if you have travelled to Japan. This article today is about Pachinko, an infamous gamble that Japanese newspapers or massmedia never report but is responsible for $300 billion underground industry.
Japan’s 18,000 Pachinko gambling parlors, some 30 percent of which are owned by ethnic North Koreans, bring in annual sales of $280 billion a year. Some of this money is also funneled into North Korea, although Japan is now tightening up on that practice.
If you are an enthsiastic reader of this blog, you know what zainichi people are. The conflict condition between Zainichi and Japanese rightists has caused intolerable strain these days. A half of zainichi in terms of ideology, pro-DPRK clan, held a big rally March 3rd 2007 at Hibiya, Tokyo, to protest against pressure onto them, claiming abolishment of discriminative treatment. It's funny. I feel like they have discriminated Japanese on the contrary. It's also shocking to know the fact that they can hold such a rally right in the center of Tokyo. (Hibiya is a walking distance from Tokyo station.)
A "comfort girl" is nothing more than a prostitute or "professional camp follower" attached to the Japanese Army for the benefit of the soldiers.
(4)There's no freedom of speech in Korea(Sep.6 2004 from Chosun Ilbo)
Professor Yi (李栄薫) at Seoul National University, apologized to the comfort women for sating "they were prostitutes" after avalanche of criticisms. Totalitarianization doesn't allow academia to make a free speech. Note that there are lots more scholars who were criticized because of their interpretations in favor of Japanese rule before 1945.
(5)What about their current disaster in North Korea?The culture of "comfort women" can be seen in North Korea, too. They are collected from all over the country and used as sex slaves to satisfy insatiable sexual appetite of Kim Jong Il. Working as sex slaves and serve to him is taught as honorable. Condemning Japanese is thus effective to avert other's attention onto their own countries and overshadowing their own current discrepancy.
They say frontline officers had been frustrated with high-handed methods by zainichi from North Korea. Every time before they raid on the buildings, they got an order to stop them from raiding. However, the top official appointed by Japanese PM Abe pledged a hard-line attitude toward North Korea. The succesive raids defenately reflect their policy. One of the arrests included a remarkable result, capturing a big scientist who learned Engineering at Tokyo university. He was a representative figure on development Taepodong. Other arrests on Koreans may not be related to North Korea, but I listed them.
This time I'll focus just on Japanese propaganda carried out to inform that the Japanese troops helped Chinese people in 1937 after fall of Nanjing. (Note that I'm not negating all those incidents around that time. I'm just giving another perspective here.)